Prohibition on places of cannabis consumption

Where can’t I consume cannabis?

There are currently bylaws in Greater Sudbury that regulate smoking tobacco in designated public places and workplaces. The bylaws do not include cannabis at this time.

As per the Smoke-Free Ontario Act 2017 (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act) and SFOA 2017 Regulation (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), it is illegal to vape, smoke, or hold lighted cannabis in [3] [4]:

How far is the buffer zone around schools?

Public areas within 20 metres of any point on the perimeter of a school are prohibited vaping or smoking areas. [4] SFOA 2017 Regulation (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act)

Are people allowed to consume cannabis on the street?

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act does not prohibit people from consuming cannabis on the street if users are not within prohibited areas. Currently, there are no bylaws prohibiting people from consuming cannabis on the street.

Are people allowed to consume cannabis on patios at branches of the Royal Canadian Legion or other veterans’ organizations?

Cannabis cannot be smoked or vaped on patios, including those operated by a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion or another veterans’ organization. [4] SFOA 2017 Regulation (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act)

Can a person consume cannabis while driving?

No. As per the Smoke-Free Ontario Act 2017 (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), it is illegal to smoke cannabis in any manner while driving or as a passenger in a vehicle or boat. In any scenario, if a person who is less than 16 years old is present in the vehicle or boat, consuming cannabis is prohibited. Cannabis impairment can last, unknowingly, for a prolonged period of time. [1] Driving after using cannabis can lead to an injury to yourself or someone you care about, a license suspension, an arrest, and even a criminal record. Impaired driving is 100% preventable. [5]

Can cannabis be consumed in a boat?

The SFOA 2017 (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), and SFOA 2017 Regulation (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), prohibits the smoking of cannabis as a driver or passenger in a boat regardless of whether the boat is in motion. Cannabis can be consumed in a boat with permanent sleeping accommodations and permanent cooking and sanitary facilities, while the boat is at anchor or is secured to a dock or land and is being used as a residence. It is prohibited to smoke cannabis on boats that are being used to carry passengers for hire.

Can cannabis be consumed while driving a snow machine?

As per the SFOA 2017 (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), it is prohibited to smoke cannabis as a driver or passenger on a snow machine regardless of whether the snow machine is in motion.

Can cannabis be consumed in a recreational vehicle (RV)?

As per the Smoke-Free Ontario Act 2017 (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), and SFOA 2017 Regulation (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), cannabis can be smoked in a motor vehicle that is equipped with permanent sleeping accommodations and permanent cooking facilities, such as a recreational vehicle, while it is parked in a place that is not a highway and is being used as a residence.

Can cannabis be consumed in a houseboat?

As per the SFOA 2017 (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), and SFOA 2017 Regulations (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act), cannabis can be consumed in a boat with permanent sleeping accommodations and permanent cooking and sanitary facilities, while the boat is at anchor or is secured to a dock or land and is being used as a residence.  It is prohibited to smoke cannabis on boats that are being used to carry passengers for hire.

Can a home health care worker prevent a person from consuming cannabis in their presence?

Yes. Every home health care worker has the right to request a person not vape, smoke, or hold lighted cannabis in the home health care worker’s presence while they are providing health care services. [3] SFOA 2017 (Government of Ontario, Smoke-Free Ontario Act)

1 Eastern Ontario Health Unit, “Cannabis Summary,” 2018.

3 Government of Ontario, “Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 26, Sched. 3,” 2018. [Online]. Available:

4 Government of Ontario, “O. Reg. 268/18: GENERAL,” 2018. [Online]. Available:

5 Government of Canada, “Don’t Drive High,” 2018. [Online]. Available:

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This item was last modified on October 18, 2018