Healthy eating and pregnancy

Eating well before and during pregnancy is the first step in having a healthy baby.

Your baby relies on the food you eat to help it grow and develop. During pregnancy, it is important to eat twice as healthy, not twice as much. Making healthy food choices during pregnancy will give your baby the best start, help you feel good about yourself and help you and your family develop lifelong healthy eating habits.

The information on this page will help you get started!

Tips for eating well during pregnancy

How much weight should I gain?

Every woman is different. The recommended amount of weight (Health Canada) you should gain depends on how much you weighed before you became pregnant. Most of your weight gain will happen during your second and third trimester. Your health care provider will probably weigh you at your appointments. Talk to him/her about how much weight gain is right for you.

Remember: Weight gain is a natural and normal part of pregnancy. Embrace it and know you are doing your part to grow a healthy baby. Reach for your best pregnancy by being active, eating well, getting enough good quality sleep, and by feeling good about yourself and your body!

Do I need to take a prenatal supplement?

Yes. Choose a vitamin/mineral supplement with 0.4 mg of folic acid and 16-20mg of iron. Your nutrient needs increase when you are pregnant. It can be difficult to get enough of these nutrients from food. Taking a prenatal vitamin/mineral supplement will also ensure you are getting enough of all the nutrients you need in a day. Even though you are taking a supplement, eating nutritious foods is still important. Some women need even more folic acid and iron. Ask your health care provider about a vitamin/mineral supplement that is right for you.

Are there any foods or drinks I should avoid or limit?

Yes. There are certain foods that you should avoid or limit while you are pregnant to keep you and your baby safe.

For more information on safe food choices and food handling tips check out the resource safe food handling for pregnant women (Healthy Canadians).

This item was last modified on July 15, 2021