Mental health

This section presents information on indicators pertaining to mental health including self-rated mental health, sense of community belonging, work stress, life stress, life satisfaction, consultations with mental health professionals, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, Alzheimer’s and dementia, depression, and sleep.

Health is influenced by a broad range of factors—genetics, individual lifestyles and behaviours, and the physical, social, and economic environments in which we live. These factors contribute to health experienced by individuals and to the overall level of health in the community.

Factors beyond an individual’s biology and behaviours—those that form the conditions in which people are born, grow up, live, and work—are known as the social determinants of health. Any differences or variations in health status between groups are known as health inequalities. When health inequalities have the potential to be changed or decreased by social action, they are labelled as health inequities.

Where possible and appropriate, we present the following indicators by geography, age, sex, income, education, and first official language.


This item was last modified on December 18, 2019