Demographics & Health Statistics

The health of our communities and citizens, and the factors that contribute to their health are extremely important.

The physical, social and economic environment in which people live, work and play influences the choices they make and how they live their lives. To inform the public, our stakeholders and partners, and our staff on the health of our population, a specialized team of epidemiologists and analysts collects and compiles statistics on a broad range of public health topics.

Public Health Sudbury & Districts provides information and statistics on a variety of population health topics.

Health profiles and snapshots:

Service area health profile:

Chapleau area health profile and service area snapshot:

Espanola area health profile and service area snapshot:

Manitoulin Island area health profile and service area snapshot:

Sudbury East area health profile and service area snapshot:

Demographic profiles:

Additional resources:

Reproduction, in part or in whole, of any document should acknowledge Public Health Sudbury & Districts as the source.

This item was last modified on December 27, 2024