Current status (COVID-19)

On this page

Status of vaccination, testing, and cases in Public Health Sudbury & Districts’ service area

These data are preliminary and subject to change, pending further review.

COVID-19 vaccine data

Public Health has paused reporting COVID-19 vaccine data. Reporting will resume in the fall and align with Ministry of Health guidelines.

For details on upcoming vaccination clinics, visit our vaccination clinics page.

The table below includes vaccinations administered to residents of Sudbury and districts, including vaccinations administered by Public Health Sudbury & Districts, First Nation and Indigenous communities, hospitals, primary care partners, and other partners such as pharmacies.

May 29, 2024, 4 p.m. /
29 mai 2024, 16 h
Data /
Number and percentage of residents 6 months and over who have received one dose in fall 2023 / Nombre et proportion des personnes de 6 mois ou plus qui ont reçu une dose en l'automne de 2023 (Population 204 683)34 940
Number and percentage of residents 5 years and over who have received one dose in fall 2023 / Nombre et proportion des personnes 5 ans ou plus qui ont reçu une dose en l'automne de 2023 (Population 196 785)34 781
Number and percentage of residents 18 years and over who have received one dose in fall 2023 / Nombre et proportion des personnes 18 ans ou plus qui ont reçu une dose en l'automne de 2023 (Population 169 562)33 930
Total doses administered to date by Public Health, other providers, and pharmacies, to residents and non-residents / Total des doses administrées à date par Santé publique, d’autres fournisseurs et des pharmacies à des personnes de la région et de l’extérieur565 979
Number/percentage of doses wasted at Public Health-led vaccination events / Nombre ou proportion de doses gaspillées aux activités de vaccination dirigées par Santé publique12 089
Number/percentage of doses wasted at other provider-led vaccination events / Nombre ou proportion de doses gaspillées aux activités de vaccination dirigées par d’autres fournisseurs4 966
Number/percentage of doses wasted in the process of storage, handling, and supply transactions / Nombre ou proportion de doses gaspillées pendant les travaux d’entreposage, de manutention et d’approvisionnement20 165

Note: Coverage rates presented in the above table exclude residents who are deceased. This aligns with provincial calculation and reporting of coverage rates. Vaccine recommendations vary according to age, vaccine brand, and risk factors. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccine eligibility and current recommendations.

Note: The Ministry of Health has updated its guidance to explain that the “fully vaccinated” definition will be updated in most settings to the “up to date” definition. “Up to date” means a person has received all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses, including any booster dose(s) when eligible. The language used in the COVID-19 vaccine data table was updated on May 25, 2022, based on this guidance.

COVID-19 testing data

Public Health no longer reports on COVID-19 testing data.

Data Source: Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS), accessed via the COVID-19 Testing Dashboard, Ontario Ministry of Health.

May 31, 2024, 4 p.m. / 31 mai 2024, 16 h
Current /
Previous / PrécédemmentChange from previous report (numbers) /
Changement par rapport au rapport précédent (nombres)
Total tests performed | Nombre total de tests effectués
526 336526 24690 (increase / augmentation)

COVID-19 case data

Public Health no longer reports on COVID-19 case-specific data.

As with other diseases of public health significance, Public Health continues surveillance of COVID-19 and identification of outbreaks.

Data source: Case and Contact Management (CCM) System

Report Date / Date du rapport
May 31, 2024, 4 p.m. | 31 mai 2024, 16 h

Last Reported Date / Date du dernier rapport
May 29, 2024, 4 p.m. | 29 mai 2024, 16 h

Current1 / ActuellementPrevious1 / PrécédemmentChange from previous report (numbers) / Changement par rapport au rapport précédent (nombres)
Total cases | Total des cas25 47025 4646 increase / augmentation
     Tested before December 31, 2021 | Tests effectués avant le 31 déc. 20215 708N/AN/A
     Tested since December 31, 2021 | Tests effectués depuis le 31 déc. 202119 762N/AN/A
Active cases | Nombre de cas actifs 31 256 increase / augmentation
Resolved cases2 | Cas réglés225 43925 4390
Deceased3 | Décès3 254 2540
     COVID-19 was underlying cause of death | La cause sous-jacente du décès était la COVID-19 169 1690
     COVID-19 contributed to but was not underlying cause of death | La COVID-19 a contribué au décès, mais n'en était pas la cause sous-jacente 80 800
     Unknown cause of death | La cause du décès est inconnue 5 50
Deaths reported in Greater Sudbury | Décès signalés dans le Grand Sudbury 221 2210
Deaths reported in the Sudbury District | Décès signalés dans le district de Sudbury 19 190
Deaths reported in the Manitoulin District | Décès signalés dans le district de Manitoulin 14 140
Area | Secteur
Greater Sudbury | Grand Sudbury21 580 total

26 active | actifs
21 554 resolved | réglés
21 5755 increase / augmentation
Sudbury District | District de Sudbury2 061 total

2 active | actifs
2 059 resolved | réglés
2 0601 increase / augmentation
     Sudbury North4 | District Nord4 0N/AN/A
     Sudbury West5 | District Ouest5 1N/AN/A
     Sudbury East6 | District Est6 1N/AN/A
Manitoulin District | District de Manitoulin1 829 total

3 active | actifs
1 826 resolved | réglés
1 8290
Sex7 | Sexe7
Male | Masculin8 7578 7525 increase / augmentation
Female | Féminin13 59813 5971 increase / augmentation
Other / Not specified | Autre / Non spécifié3 1153 1150
Age groups7 | Groupes d'âge7
19 and under | 19 ans ou moins3 0903 0900
20-39 | De 20 à 39 ans7 7267 7260
40-59 | De 40 à 59 ans6 4496 4481 increase / augmentation
60-79 | De 60 à 79 ans4 9154 9132 increase / augmentation
80 and over | 80 ans ou plus3 2733 2703 increase / augmentation
Not specified | Non spécifié 17 170

1 Case counts include both probable and confirmed cases of COVID-19.  As of December 31, 2021, the case counts also include the positive rapid antigen tests that are reported to Public Health as part an outbreak in a highest risk setting.
2 Patient tested positive but is resolved according to current public health criteria. This number includes persons who are deceased.
3 Patient died of COVID-related causes (excludes deaths of cases positive for COVID who died of unrelated causes). There may be delays in a COVID-related death being reported to public health, and/or in getting final confirmation on the cause of death.
4 Sudbury North: Sudbury Unorganized North Part (except Willisville & Whitefish Falls), Chapleau, Chapleau 74A, Foleyet, Mattagami 71, Gogama, Cartier
5 Sudbury West: Sables-Spanish Rivers, Shakespeare, Baldwin, Nairn & Hyman, Espanola, Lee Valley, (Sudbury Unorganized North Part), Willisville & Whitefish Falls
6 Sudbury East: Markstay-Warren, St. Charles, French River, Alban, Killarney, McGregor Bay, Whitefish Lake 6
7 Data on sex and age groups are listed as unspecified until there are sufficient numbers to allow them to be assigned to the appropriate categories. This ensures that individual cases cannot be identified. Sex is not specified for cases aged 19 years and under.

COVID-19 hospitalization data

Public Health has paused reporting COVID-19 hospitalization data. Reporting will resume in the fall and align with Ministry of Health guidelines.

As with other diseases of public health significance, Public Health continues surveillance of COVID-19 and identification of outbreaks.

Note: These numbers include all COVID-19 cases hospitalized in Sudbury and districts hospitals, regardless of where they live. They include patients who are hospitalized due to their COVID-19 infection and those who are positive for COVID-19 but were hospitalized for other reasons.

Data Source: Daily Bed Census Summary and Critical Care Information System, accessed via the COVID-19 Regional Hospitals Dashboard, Ontario Ministry of Health.

Report Date / Date du rapport
May 29, 2024, 4 p.m. | 29 mai 2024, 16 h

Last Reported Date / Date du dernier rapport
May 27, 2024, 4 p.m. | 27 mai 2024, 16 h

Current / ActuellementPrevious / PrécédemmentChange from previous report (numbers) / Changement par rapport au rapport précédent (nombres)
Patients with confirmed COVID-19 | Patients atteints de la COVID-19 19 212 decrease / diminution
     Admitted due to COVID-19 | Patients admis en raison de la COVID-19 12 93 increase / augmentation
     Admitted for other reasons | Patients admis pour d'autres raisons 7 125 decrease / diminution
ICU patients with confirmed COVID-19 | Patients admis à l'unité des soins intensifs et atteints de la COVID-19 1 10
     Admitted to ICU due to COVID-19 | Patients admis à l'unité des soins intensifs en raison de la COVID-19 1 10
     Admitted to ICU for other reasons | Patients admis à l'unité des soins intensifs pour d'autres raisons 0 00

Outbreaks of COVID-19

Public Health Sudbury & Districts posts up-to-date information online about active outbreaks in the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts related to respiratory and enteric diseases.

Respiratory Illness Surveillance Dashboard

The Respiratory Illness Surveillance Dashboard for Sudbury and districts provides information about local activity levels of respiratory illness, including COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The tool includes information about cases, and new hospitalizations and outbreaks, as well as COVID-19 detected in local wastewater.

Assess your risk

Continue to take steps and use caution to prevent the spread of illness. Assess your risk and apply personal protective measures based on your age, vaccination, and health status.

These measures can include:

Consider the risk of those around you and increase protective measures based on your personal health situation and environment to reduce the burden of illness in our communities.

As always, remember to be kind and respectful of the risk tolerance of those around you.

Measuring SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater

The City of Greater Sudbury, in partnership with the Health Sciences North Research Institute (HSNRI), is monitoring levels of SARS-CoV-2 and its variants with a wastewater surveillance program that tests sewage from the Kelly Lake Wastewater Treatment Site. The Kelly Lake site serves 96 000 residents and is one of 13 wastewater sites managed by the City of Greater Sudbury.

HSNRI is monitoring six treatment plants as part of a pan-Ontario network developing wastewater monitoring of COVID-19 (Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table).

Visit the City of Greater Sudbury’s website to learn more about measuring SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater and for monitoring results.

Learn more about why SARS-CoV-2 is measured in wastewater.

SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater

Why measure SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater?

Researchers across Canada and globally are monitoring SARS-CoV-2 (the virus leading to COVID-19) in community wastewater samples to better understand community spread. People who have COVID-19 will have SARS-CoV-2 gene fragments (RNA) in their stool, whether they are symptomatic or not. Levels of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater can therefore be measured to estimate levels of COVID-19 in the community and follow changes over time.

Wastewater surveillance consistently captures most of the population with COVID-19. This is different from assessing community COVID-19 levels by measuring the number of active cases, which also depends on individual testing. This may be even more important for understanding broad population trends if testing for individuals is limited.

Monitoring wastewater for COVID-19 can be used by public health as a tool for surveillance alongside other public health indicators, such as reported cases, hospitalizations, and outbreaks, to identify COVID-19 trends and support mobilization of resources related to the COVID-19 response.

About this initiative

Local wastewater is currently being tested by the City of Greater Sudbury, in partnership with the Health Sciences North Research Institute. The Kelly Lake Wastewater Treatment Site provides wastewater treatment processes for approximately 96 000 residents in Greater Sudbury.

Data for those living in other areas of Sudbury and anyone living outside of the City of Greater Sudbury is not currently included in this surveillance project.

This local wastewater surveillance initiative is led by Gustavo Ybazeta, Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Genomics Associate at Health Sciences North Research Institute in partnership with the City of Greater Sudbury. This initiative is part of a larger provincial Wastewater Surveillance Initiative and is funded by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Considerations for wastewater measurement of SARS-CoV-2

The amount of virus an individual with COVID-19 sheds will differ over time as their illness progresses from the pre-symptomatic stage through to recovery. The amount of virus detected in a wastewater sample can also vary due to weather events, such as snowmelt or heavy rainfall. Because of these and other factors, the results presented are not equivalent to case numbers and should be interpreted with caution. We are working together to learn more about wastewater surveillance for COVID-19, and how the results can be used as a tool for public health.

Visit the City of Greater Sudbury’s website for local data on this research initiative.

For more information about monitoring SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater visit the Canadian Water Network (

This item was last modified on July 9, 2024