Early Connections Matter

The Pause. Early Connections Matter campaign was created to raise awareness about the importance of infant and early child mental health. Parents and caregivers who provide a caring and responsive environment help to shape their infant’s developing brain promoting good mental health.  Infants and children can never have too many positive caring adults in their lives. We all have a role to play in promoting and protecting infant and early child mental health.

Why do early connections matter? 

Parents and caregivers play an important role in the development of the their baby’s brain and are their most important connection to the world. Healthy brain development happens when infants and children have parents and caregivers who respond to their needs in a positive, attentive, and caring way.  When we meet their needs consistently , they feel an overall sense of trust and security. This sense of trust sets the stage for the infant or young child to feel confident to explore their environment and learn to take on new challenges and experiences that are necessary for healthy development.

Early experiences that are not positive—and that lack the presence of a supportive, caring relationship—shape how infants and young children respond and adapt to stressors that may arise later in life. Research has shown that toxic stress can negatively impact an infant’s healthy brain development and have lifelong implications for their health, learning, and well-being if these stressors are prolonged and recurring.

It is important that every infant and young child experience caring relationships to help buffer the negative effects of stress.  These caring relationships help them to learn how to cope with stressful events and solve problems later in life.  With the guidance of a caring parent or caregiver, positive stressors can be considered growth promoting and opportunities to learn and flourish.

What is the Pause. Early Connections Matter?

The campaign provides key messages on the topics of attachment, brain development, resiliency, sense of agency, self-regulation, and temperament. They are more than the building blocks for infant and early child mental health. These key messages encourage parents and caregivers to “pause” in the moment and learn how to support and model positive mental health by making the most of everyday moments.

Where do the concepts come from?

The Pause. Early Connection Matter campaign was adapted with permission from the Pause Moments Matter posters and tip sheets from Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative and the Ottawa Infant and Early Child Mental Health Initiative. To learn more about their initiative visit Pause. Moments Matter in the life of a child – Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative: Growing Up Great

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This item was last modified on March 14, 2024