Road safety

Wear the gear. Slow down. Buckle up. Drive sober. Text responsibly. Get trained. These are some simple rules for all to use to keep our roads safer. Car crashes are the number one cause of death for those under 35. For this reason, we work with partners in various areas:

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving related collisions now outnumber impaired driving crashes. Distracted can be eating, talking, texting, reading or grooming activities. Driver distraction increases the chance of a crash by 23 times.

When driving your eyes should be on the road and hands on the wheel at all times. Failure to do so can mean a fine of at least $280. For more information, visit Parachute Canada or Ministry of Transportation.


Many head injuries, including concussions, happen on the road. They are considered an “invisible” injury and individuals may experience many different signs and symptoms. We offer more information on concussions, and management of concussions in schools and school-aged children.

Off-road vehicles

Our northern culture often puts us outside year-round. Using off-road vehicles, however, can mean increased risk for injury. Please do not let this be you or your family! The same road safety rules apply: wear the gear, slow down, drive according to conditions, driver sober and get trained.

In Sudbury, we need to know where to ride, as described in the City of Greater Sudbury Bylaw for all terrain vehicles (ATVs).

Parents and caregivers: Children are at an especially high risk when on off road vehicles. Be aware of the risk and regulations.


Cycling is a fun, healthy activity and an inexpensive way to get around. We work with our partners to promote safe and active transportation, including cycling.

Child car seats

A correctly used child car seat greatly reduces the risk of your child getting hurt in a crash. We offer information on car seat safety and host free car seat inspection clinics.

Impaired driving

Drinking and driving does not mix. Sadly, tragedies involving alcohol continue to occur. Be informed about alcohol as a drug and alcohol and the law.


Walking is an economic way to get around and is safe for almost all individuals regardless of age or ability. Learn more about walking, including tips on getting started and staying safe.

For more information or support on road and off-road safety for schools and school-aged children, visit Schools and Daycares.

This item was last modified on March 28, 2024