Proper use of gloves in food service

In Ontario, the use of gloves for food handling is not required. However, the Food Premises Regulation (e-Laws Ontario) does have a requirement that food is protected from contamination. Unclean hands frequently contaminate food. Hands must be washed as often as necessary to prevent the contamination of food or food areas. Tongs, spoons, and scoops of corrosion resistant and nontoxic material should be used wherever possible to avoid direct hand contact with food.

Many food premises provide gloves for food handlers to use, but this practice requires training and monitoring to ensure glove use does not contribute to contamination of food or food contact surfaces. Glove use may be appropriate in certain settings where there are task specific jobs, and gloves are changed at appropriate times. The following tips on proper glove use will ensure that gloves do not contaminate food.

It is important to remember that gloves are not a replacement for hand washing.

For more information, contact Public Health Sudbury & Districts at 705.522.9200 (toll-free 1.866.522.9200).

This item was last modified on October 8, 2020