Eating out

Eating out used to be something families did on special occasions, but our hectic lifestyles have changed this. Today many of us regularly eat restaurant food, which is often higher in fat, sugar and salt. Over time, this can have a negative impact on our health. However, you can help your family with making healthier choices when eating out (

When possible, eat at places that offer healthier options (Dietitians of Canada). Many food establishments post their menu online with nutrition information. Look for options that are lower in fat and sodium.

If the nutrition information is not available, or you simply don’t have time to look it up, keep these tips in mind when eating out or ordering food out:

Remember that healthy eating is about balance. You need a variety of foods in moderate amounts. If you happen to overindulge at one meal, be sure to balance things out by eating better at the next one.

This item was last modified on June 2, 2022