Fee schedule

Public Health Sudbury & Districts issues sewage system permits under the Ontario Building Code. Public Health Sudbury & Districts also provides comments on land severances and zoning/minor variances. An application, or service will not be processed until all fees are payed in full. Please find below Public Health Sudbury & Districts’ fee schedule for services relating to the Ontario Building Code and land development.


All PDFs below are < 1 MB.

Copy of record (fillable PDF, printable PDF)$80
Demolition permit$300
Extraordinary travel costs by air, water, etc.Full cost recovery
File search request (fillable PDF, printable PDF)$300
Zoning/minor variance - Not part of consent application (fillable PDF, printable PDF)$250
Renovation permit (Accessory to a structure fillable PDF, printable PDF or an Addition to a building fillable PDF, printable PDF)$300
Revisions to permit - inspection required (Residential fillable PDF, printable PDF or Non-residential fillable PDF, printable PDF)$400
Severance - Consent applications (retained + # severed) (fillable PDF, printable PDF)$250 + $250 per extra lot
Sewage system permits: Class 2 Greywater Pit (fillable PDF, printable PDF)$400
Sewage system permits: Class 2 Greywater Pit - more than 4 systems (fillable PDF, printable PDF)$1600 + $100 per extra system over 4
Sewage system permits: Class 3 - Cesspool$400
Sewage system permits: Class 4 - Septic tank and leaching bed (Residential fillable PDF, printable PDF or Non-residential fillable PDF, printable PDF)$900
Sewage system permits: Class 4 - Leaching bed only (Residential fillable PDF, printable PDF or Non-residential fillable PDF, printable PDF)$550
Sewage system permits: Class 4 - Tank only (Residential fillable PDF, printable PDF or Non-residential fillable PDF, printable PDF)$350
Sewage system permits: Class 5 - Holding tank (Residential fillable PDF, printable PDF or Non-residential fillable PDF, printable PDF)$900
Sewage system permits: Re-inspection, inspector is booked and arrives on-site but system is not ready for inspection so a repeat visit is required. (Residential fillable PDF, printable PDF or Non-residential fillable PDF, printable PDF)$250
Transfer of permit to new owner (fillable PDF, printable PDF)$100
Other government agencies (fillable PDF, printable PDF)$250

This item was last modified on August 31, 2023