Children First Charter (Motion #53-03)

Moved by Gingras – Bradley. Approved by the Sudbury & District Board of Health, June 19, 2003.

WHEREAS the Mandatory Health Programs and Services Guidelines requires the Board of Health to promote the health of children and youth; and

WHEREAS the Sudbury & District Board of Health is aware that prenatal and early childhood experiences have a profound effect on health and well-being in later years and that its Family Health program is directed at children, youth, parents, caregivers and people in their reproductive years who are making choices about future family life. The program is intended to protect and promote the health of families, prevent disease and assist in an optimal level of health; and

WHEREAS Sudbury & District Health Unit staff participated with the Mayor and Council’s Children First Roundtable on the development of the Children First Charter as a strategy to increase the health of children and youth in our community; and

WHEREAS the Mayor and Council’s Children First Roundtable developed the Children First Charter as a community document which clearly outlines a vision for children in the City of Greater Sudbury; and

WHEREAS the principles included in the Children First Charter are based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, with special attention focused on local priorities and issues; and

WHEREAS the Council of the City of Greater Sudbury endorsed the Children First Charter in June 2002 and encouraged other agencies and organizations in the City of Greater Sudbury to join them in endorsing this Charter;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Sudbury & District Health Unit endorse the Children First Charter of the City of Greater Sudbury as a document that will guide policy decisions and key activities as they relate to children;

AND FURTHER THAT THE Sudbury & District Health Unit become a “Children First Charter Organization” and participate in the Children First Charter Initiative by prominently displaying the Charter and by seeking ways to further the goals set out on the Children First Charter.

This item was last modified on August 15, 2016