One-tonne Challenge (Motion #34-05)

Moved by Bidal, Edwards. Approved on April 28, 2005, by the Sudbury & District Board of Health.


WHEREAS the international scientific community agrees that global climate change is occurring and is related to altered weather patterns, including changing precipitation and wind patterns and extreme weather events; and

WHEREAS weather and weather-related changes are expected to impact on global public health through both direct and indirect pathways; and

WHEREAS greenhouse gases contribute to global climate change; and

WHEREAS the One-Tonne Challenge is a Government of Canada (GOC) initiative designed to educate and encourage Canadians to reduce their individual greenhouse gas emissions by at least one-tonne; and

WHEREAS a GOC strategy has been developed to implement the One-Tonne Challenge through workplaces; and

WHEREAS the Sudbury & District Board of Health has a mission to protect and promote health and fosters a healthy workplace and engages in environmental health policy as means to achieve this mission;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Sudbury & District Board of Health endorses the organizational implementation of the workplace and individual One-Tonne Challenge for the Sudbury & District Health Unit; and

THAT the Sudbury & District Board of Health encourages all Ontario Boards of Health to implement the One-Tonne Challenge.


This item was last modified on June 12, 2015