Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campuses (Motion #07-18)

Moved by Noland – Bailey. Approved by the Board of Health for Public Health Sudbury & Districts, February 15, 2018.

WHEREAS on January 1, 2018, McMaster University became the first post-secondary institution in Ontario to establish a 100% tobacco and smoke‑free campus; and

WHEREAS the presence of tobacco use on campus further normalizes tobacco use, undermining provincial and local tobacco prevention and cessation efforts; and

WHEREAS an Environmental Scan of Ontario College and University Tobacco Control Policies 2016-2017, indicates that while the three post-secondary campuses in Sudbury have policies exceeding the current Smoke Free Ontario Act (SFOA), they maintain on‑campus Designated Smoking Areas (DSA’s);

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT  the Board of Health for Public Health Sudbury & Districts congratulate area post-secondary institutions for their tobacco-related health protective policies surpassing current provincial legislation; and

FURTHER that the Board strongly urge and support area post-secondary institutions to enhance existing policies to achieve 100% tobacco and smoke-free campuses within an accelerated timeframe; and

FURTHERMORE that the Board share this motion with area post-secondary leadership, alPHa, the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development, and local MPPs.


This item was last modified on March 9, 2018